Waiting list:
Deposit of $500 Per Person Due Now
2nd Installment Due October 14, 2024
3rd Installment Due January 3, 2025
4th installment Due June 11, 2025
Final Installment Due November 12, 2025
Click below for more information about Travel Insurance.
Registered Participants:
Make all checks payable to:
Sun and Fun Golf Association
71 Burbank Drive
Palm Coast, Florida 32137
***SOLD OUT - Please scroll down to register for the trip WAIT LIST.***
Please fill out the form and then click the submit button.
Alan Albert
Sue Albert
Tom Basehore
Maureen Basehore
Stephen Colo
Barbara Colo
John Dooley
Donna Dooley
Tom Galligan
Mary Galligan
John Gerrish
Penny Santana
John Gracza
Temple Gracza
Bob Graham
Cheryl Graham
Paul Haraldsen
Elizabeth Haraldsen
Win Helgesen
Julie Helgesen
Ken Kontos
Elaine Kontos
Richard Lalier
Ellen Lalier
Mark Levin
Brenda Levin
Kevin Lynch
Eileen Lynch
Tom Martin
Fran Martin
Bob McGirr
Claire McGirr
Rick Miller
Teresa Miller
Gary Moran
Pat Moran
Rich O'Connell
Peggy O'Connell
Tom Okoniewski
Debi Okoniewski
Jerry Peters
Denise Peters
Jerry Risco
Beverly Risco
Skip Shimer
Sheryl Shimer
Mark Thuer
Mary Fedash
Ed Wetterman
Linda Wetterman
Dave Zentmayer
Jen Zentmayer
Sun and Fun Golf Association
71 Burbank Drive
Palm Coast FL 32137 US
+1 (904) 823 - 3083
$4,495 Per Golfer, Double Occupancy or $8,990 Per Couple both Golfing
$3,795 Per Non-Golfer, Double Occupancy or $8,290 Per Couple, Golfer & Non-Golfer
$6,195 Per Golfer Single Occupancy
Golf & Adventure Travel Expeditions, Inc. organizes and operates trips for theSun and Fun Golf Association.
Golf & Adventure Travel Expeditions, Inc. is a registered seller of travel with the State of Florida. Registration No. ST-34491.
©2024 Golf and Adventure Travel Expeditions Inc.